Voucher Terms & Conditions (Please read before purchasing)
One Voucher Per Family Per Session: Special offer vouchers are limited to one per family, per session. Multiple vouchers cannot be combined or used for the same session.
Monetary Vouchers Validity: Monetary vouchers have no expiration date and can be redeemed for any future sessions or services offered by Graham Scott Studio Ltd
Expiry Date for Special Offer Vouchers: Special offer vouchers must be redeemed by the specified expiry date. It’s recommended to book well in advance to ensure availability.
Non-Refundable: All vouchers are non-refundable. However, if the recipient is unable to use the voucher, it may be transferred to another person (subject to any additional terms or approval from the studio).
Appointment Scheduling and Changes: All sessions must be booked in advance, and any changes or cancellations should be made at least 48 hours prior to the appointment. Missed appointments or last-minute cancellations may result in forfeiture of the voucher.
Limited to In-Studio Sessions: Vouchers are redeemable only for in-studio sessions unless specified otherwise. Any upgrades or additional services may incur additional charges.
Cannot Be Exchanged for Cash: Vouchers cannot be redeemed for cash or combined with other discounts or promotions unless otherwise stated.
Valid for Specified Products/Services: Vouchers may only be applied to the specific products or services mentioned at the time of purchase. Any deviations may require additional fees.
These Terms & Conditions may change at any time without any prior or written consent